The Only Centralized Career Program Management Platform

Our platform enhances career readiness by streamlining the process, offering tailored insights and opportunities that engage students in meaningful professional development.

Educator Solutions

Student-Centered Workflow Management

TomorrowToday was built to simplify the delivery and management of career readiness programs. By leveraging advanced technology, the platform simplifies the coordination of experiences, tracks student progress through their career journey, and provides both educators and students with powerful tools to make informed career decisions.

Experience Workflow Management

This is the backbone of efficient career readiness program management. It offers educators and administrators a streamlined process for connecting students with valuable real-world experiences that align with their career aspirations. 

Centralized Partnership Management
  • Partner Onboarding and Engagement – Seamlessly onboard new industry partners and maintain existing ones through an intuitive interface.
  • Communication Tools – Keep all stakeholders in the loop with built-in messaging and notification systems.
  • Performance Tracking – Evaluate the success of partnerships with data-driven feedback and performance metrics.
Experience Matching System
  • Custom Criteria: Set up matching criteria based on program needs, student skills, and partner requirements.
  • Smart Algorithms: Utilize sophisticated algorithms to ensure students are matched with experiences that maximize their growth potential.
  • Student Preferences: Incorporate student preferences to promote engagement and satisfaction with their matched experiences.
Participation and Feedback Tracking
  • Real-Time Updates: Monitor student participation in experiences with live updates and attendance tracking.
  • Integrated Calendars: Sync with calendars for a cohesive overview of student commitments.
Feedback Collection
  • Surveys and Assessments: Easily distribute surveys and assessments to collect valuable feedback from both students and industry partners.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use feedback to refine experiences, ensuring they remain relevant and impactful.

Career Readiness Journey Tracking

TomorrowToday’s Career Readiness Journey Tracking solution empowers educators to support students throughout their unique paths to career readiness, providing a tailored approach to personal development and professional preparation.

Milestone Tracking
  • Custom Milestones: Define key milestones within your institution’s career readiness framework to guide student progress.
  • Visual Progress Indicators: Offer students a clear visual representation of their journey, highlighting achievements and upcoming goals.
Personalized Guidance
  • Individualized Plans: Guide students to refine career development plans that align with each student’s goals, skills, and experiences.
  • Resource Recommendations: Automatically suggest relevant resources and opportunities based on student progress and interests.
Skill and Competency Tracking
  • Skill Mapping: Track the development of skills and competencies against industry standards and educational outcomes.
  • Competency Assessment: Facilitate assessments to validate skills acquired through various experiences.

Automation & Intelligent Matching

By automating routine tasks and intelligently matching students with experiences, TomorrowToday enhances efficiency and ensures a tailored fit between students and opportunities.

Streamlined Workflows
  • Task Automation: Free up valuable administrative time by automating routine tasks such as scheduling, reminders, and follow-ups.
  • Seamless Integration: Ensure that automated processes are seamlessly integrated with existing workflows for a cohesive experience.
Smart Notifications

Sends out automated alerts for new experiences and reminders for upcoming commitments.

Intelligent Matching Algorithms
  • Data-Driven Matches: Leverage student data to make intelligent matches between students and career experiences that align with their aspirations.
  • Adaptive Learning: Enable the platform’s algorithms to learn from outcomes and feedback, continuously improving the relevance of matches.

Career Event Management

TomorrowToday’s Career Event Management solution is designed to simplify and enhance the organization of career fairs, networking events, workshops, and other career-oriented events. Our platform provides schools with the tools necessary to plan, execute, and analyze events that connect students with valuable industry contacts and employment opportunities.

Event Planning & Coordination
  • Intuitive Event Setup: A straightforward interface for setting up event details, schedules, and participant lists.
  • Resource Allocation: Tools for managing and assigning resources such as venues, equipment, and personnel to various event activities.
Attendance Tracking
  • Online Registration: A seamless registration process for participants, with customizable forms to capture relevant information.
  • Attendance Tracking: Real-time tracking of attendee check-ins and participation using mobile devices or kiosks.
    Engagement & Networking
    • AI-Powered Matchmaking: Utilize artificial intelligence to match students with potential employers based on interests, skills, and job opportunities.
    Feedback & Analytics
    • Post-Event Surveys: Easily distributed surveys to gather feedback from attendees and employers, contributing to future event improvements.
    • Data-Driven Insights: Comprehensive analytics on event performance, including attendance rates, engagement levels, and participant satisfaction.

    Centralized Student Portfolio

    TomorrowToday’s suite of Interactive Journey Visualizations and Centralized Student Portfolio tools empowers students to actively engage with their career readiness process. This solution provides both a macro and micro view of their achievements and a platform to showcase their skills to potential employers.

    Visual Mapping Tools
    • Interactive Career Pathways: Tools that allow students to plot their academic and professional experiences on an interactive timeline, illustrating their unique career journey.
    • Engagement Metrics: Visualization of engagement levels with different experiences, encouraging students to diversify their learning and professional development activities.
    Portfolio Features
    • E-Portfolio Management: A central hub for students to manage and display academic work, professional experiences, extracurricular activities, and personal achievements.
    • Portfolio Sharing: Easy-to-use options for students to share their portfolios with potential employers, mentors, and academic advisors.

    Robust Analytics and Reporting

    TomorrowToday leverages data-driven insights to empower educators with detailed analytics and comprehensive reporting tools, enhancing decision-making and program effectiveness.

    Data-Driven Insights

    Provides deep analytics on student engagement and program effectiveness to help educators understand impact.

    Real-Time Dashboards

    Offers a real-time overview of key performance indicators to quickly assess the status of various components of the career readiness program.

    Outcome Tracking

    Measures the long-term success of students post-graduation to assess the real-world impact of the career readiness program.

    Increase Effectiveness of your Career Program Today

    Join top educators in guiding every student through their career readiness journey to success.